use std::sync::Arc; use crate::{ hittable::{HitRecord, Hittable, AABB}, material::Material, ray::Ray, vec3::{Point3, Vec3}, }; pub struct Triangle { pub v0: Point3, pub v1: Point3, pub v2: Point3, pub material: Arc, pub custom_normal: Option, } impl Triangle { fn has_vertex_at_infinity(&self) -> bool { self.v0.has_infinite_member() || self.v1.has_infinite_member() || self.v2.has_infinite_member() } } impl Hittable for Triangle { // fn hit(&self, ray: &Ray, t_min: f64, t_max: f64) -> Option { let epsilon: f64 = 0.0000001; let edge1 = &self.v1 - &self.v0; let edge2 = &self.v2 - &self.v0; let h = ray.direction.cross(&edge2); let a =; if a > -epsilon && a < epsilon { return None; // This ray is parallel to the triangle. } let f = 1.0 / a; let s = &ray.origin - &self.v0; let u = f *; if u < 0.0 || u > 1.0 { return None; } let q = s.cross(&edge1); let v = f *; if v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0 { return None; } // At this point, we can compute the point of intersection. let t = f *; if t < t_min || t > t_max { return None; } let mut hit_record = HitRecord::new(); hit_record.u = u; hit_record.v = v; hit_record.t = t; hit_record.p =; // TODO: i don't love this, but it allows for custom surface normals from OBJ data. if let Some(normal) = &self.custom_normal { hit_record.set_face_normal(ray, &normal); } else { let outward_normal = edge2.cross(&edge1).unit_vector(); hit_record.set_face_normal(ray, &outward_normal); } hit_record.material = Some(self.material.clone()); Some(hit_record) } fn bounding_box(&self, _: f64, _: f64) -> Option { match self.has_vertex_at_infinity() { true => None, false => Some(AABB { minimum: Point3 { x: self.v0.x.min(self.v1.x).min(self.v2.x) - 0.0001, y: self.v0.y.min(self.v1.y).min(self.v2.y) - 0.0001, z: self.v0.z.min(self.v1.z).min(self.v2.z) - 0.0001, }, maximum: Point3 { x: self.v0.x.max(self.v1.x).max(self.v2.x) + 0.0001, y: self.v0.y.max(self.v1.y).max(self.v2.y) + 0.0001, z: self.v0.z.max(self.v1.z).max(self.v2.z) + 0.0001, }, }), } } }