use crate::texture::Font; use crate::map::{MapCell, Map}; use crate::camera::{Ray, Camera}; use crate::util::{Side, Sprite}; use crate::vec2::Vec2; pub struct Framebuffer { pub height: usize, pub width: usize, pub pixels: Vec, pub z_buffer: Vec, } impl Framebuffer { pub fn new(height: usize, width: usize) -> Framebuffer { Framebuffer { height, width, pixels: vec![0; height * width], z_buffer: vec![f64::INFINITY; height * width], } } pub fn clear(&mut self) { for pixel in &mut self.pixels { *pixel = 0; } } pub fn clear_z_buffer(&mut self) { for pixel in &mut self.z_buffer { *pixel = f64::INFINITY; } } pub fn draw_vertical_line(&mut self, x: usize, start: usize, stop: usize, color: u32) { for row in start..stop { self.pixels[row * self.width + x] = color; } } pub fn write_ascii_string(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize, string: &Vec, font: &Font, color: u32) { for char_index in 0..string.len() { for glyph_x in 0..font.glyph_size { for glyph_y in 0..font.glyph_size { if font.glyphs[(font.glyph_size - 1 - glyph_y) * (font.charset_length * font.glyph_size) + glyph_x + font.glyph_size * (string[char_index] as usize)] { self.pixels[((y + glyph_y) * self.width) + x + (char_index * font.glyph_size) + glyph_x] = color; } } } } } pub fn set_pixel(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize, color: u32) { if let Some(pixel) = self.pixels.get_mut(y * self.width + x) { *pixel = color; } } pub fn draw_wall(&mut self, camera: &Camera, x: usize, perp_wall_dist: f64, cell: &MapCell, side: &Side, ray: &Ray, world: &Map) { let line_height = (self.height as f64 / perp_wall_dist) as i32; if line_height < 0 { self.draw_vertical_line(x, 0, self.height, 0x00FF0000); return; } let draw_start = ((-line_height / 2 + (self.height as i32) / 2) - 1 + ((camera.height / perp_wall_dist) as i32)).max(0); let draw_end = ((line_height / 2 + (self.height as i32) / 2) + 1 + ((camera.height / perp_wall_dist) as i32)).min(self.height as i32); match cell { MapCell::Wall { texture } | MapCell::ThinWall { texture, orientation: _, offset_into_cell: _, ceiling_texture: _, floor_texture: _ } => { let wall_x = match &side { Side::X => camera.position.y + perp_wall_dist * ray.direction.y, Side::Y=> camera.position.x + perp_wall_dist * ray.direction.x, }.fract(); let mut tex_x = (wall_x * (texture.width as f64)) as usize; if let Side::X = side { if ray.direction.x > 0.0 { tex_x = texture.width - tex_x - 1; } } else { if ray.direction.y < 0.0 { tex_x = texture.width - tex_x - 1; } } let step = (texture.height as f64) / (line_height as f64); let mut tex_position = ((draw_start as f64) - (camera.height / perp_wall_dist) - (self.height as f64) / 2.0 + (line_height as f64) / 2.0) * step; for y in draw_start..draw_end { let tex_y = (tex_position as usize) & (texture.height - 1); tex_position += step; if perp_wall_dist < self.z_buffer[y as usize * self.width + x as usize] { let mut color =[texture.height * tex_y + tex_x]; if (color & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0 { if let Side::Y = side { color = (color >> 1) & 8355711; } if let Some(MapCell::Empty { ceiling_texture: _, floor_texture: _, fog, fog_color }) = { let fog_prop = (perp_wall_dist * fog).min(1.0); if fog_prop > 0.0 { let mut color_bytes = color.to_le_bytes(); let fog_bytes = fog_color.to_le_bytes(); color_bytes[0] = (fog_bytes[0] as f64 * fog_prop + color_bytes[0] as f64 * (1.0 - fog_prop)) as u8; color_bytes[1] = (fog_bytes[1] as f64 * fog_prop + color_bytes[1] as f64 * (1.0 - fog_prop)) as u8; color_bytes[2] = (fog_bytes[2] as f64 * fog_prop + color_bytes[2] as f64 * (1.0 - fog_prop)) as u8; color = u32::from_le_bytes(color_bytes); } } self.set_pixel(x, y as usize, color); self.z_buffer[y as usize * self.width + x as usize] = perp_wall_dist; } } } }, MapCell::Empty { ceiling_texture: _, floor_texture: _, fog: _, fog_color: _ } => {}, } } pub fn draw_sprites(&mut self, camera: &Camera, sprites: &mut Vec, world: &Map) { for sprite in sprites.into_iter() { sprite.distance_from_camera = (&camera.position - &sprite.position).length(); } for sprite in sprites { let rel_position = &sprite.position - &camera.position; let inverse_det = 1.0 / (camera.plane.x * camera.direction.y - camera.direction.x * camera.plane.y); let transform = Vec2 { x: inverse_det * (camera.direction.y * rel_position.x - camera.direction.x * rel_position.y), y: inverse_det * (-camera.plane.y * rel_position.x + camera.plane.x * rel_position.y) }; if transform.y == 0.0 { continue; } let vertical_offset = ((sprite.vertical_offset / transform.y) + (camera.height / transform.y)) as i32; let sprite_screen_x = ((self.width as f64 / 2.0) * (1.0 + transform.x / transform.y)) as i32; let sprite_height = (((self.height as f64 / transform.y) as i32).abs() as f64 * sprite.scale_factor.y) as i32; let sprite_width = (((self.height as f64 / transform.y) as i32).abs() as f64 * sprite.scale_factor.x) as i32; let draw_start = Vec2 { x: ((-sprite_width / 2) + sprite_screen_x).max(0), y: ((-sprite_height / 2 + (self.height as i32) / 2) + vertical_offset).max(0), }; let draw_end = Vec2 { x: ((sprite_width / 2) + sprite_screen_x).min(self.width as i32), y: ((sprite_height / 2 + (self.height as i32) / 2) + vertical_offset).min(self.height as i32), }; for column in draw_start.x..draw_end.x { let tex_x = (256 * (column - (-sprite_width / 2 + (sprite_screen_x))) * sprite.texture.width as i32 / sprite_width) as i32 / 256; if transform.y > 0.0 && column >= 0 && column < self.width as i32 { for y in draw_start.y..draw_end.y { let d = (y - vertical_offset) * 256 - self.height as i32 * 128 + sprite_height * 128; let tex_y = ((d * sprite.texture.height as i32) / sprite_height) / 256; if (tex_x as usize) < sprite.texture.width && (tex_y as usize) < sprite.texture.height { let mut color =[sprite.texture.width * tex_y as usize + tex_x as usize]; if (color & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0 { if let Some(&depth) = self.z_buffer.get(y as usize * self.width + column as usize) { if sprite.distance_from_camera < depth { if let Some(MapCell::Empty { ceiling_texture: _, floor_texture: _, fog, fog_color }) = { let fog_prop = (sprite.distance_from_camera * fog).min(1.0); if fog_prop > 0.0 { let mut color_bytes = color.to_le_bytes(); let fog_bytes = fog_color.to_le_bytes(); color_bytes[0] = (fog_bytes[0] as f64 * fog_prop + color_bytes[0] as f64 * (1.0 - fog_prop)) as u8; color_bytes[1] = (fog_bytes[1] as f64 * fog_prop + color_bytes[1] as f64 * (1.0 - fog_prop)) as u8; color_bytes[2] = (fog_bytes[2] as f64 * fog_prop + color_bytes[2] as f64 * (1.0 - fog_prop)) as u8; color = u32::from_le_bytes(color_bytes); } } self.set_pixel(column as usize, y as usize, color); self.z_buffer[y as usize * self.width + column as usize] = sprite.distance_from_camera; } } } } } } } } } pub fn draw_floor_and_ceiling(&mut self, camera: &Camera, world: &Map) { for y in 0..self.height { let is_floor = y > self.height / 2; let ray_dir_0 = &camera.direction - &camera.plane; let ray_dir_1 = &camera.direction + &camera.plane; let current_position = if is_floor { (y as i32) - (self.height as i32) / 2 } else { (self.height as i32) / 2 - (y as i32) }; let camera_z = if is_floor { 0.5 * self.height as f64 + camera.height } else { 0.5 * self.height as f64 - camera.height }; let row_distance = camera_z / current_position as f64; let floor_step = row_distance * (&ray_dir_1 - &ray_dir_0) / self.width as f64; let mut floor = &camera.position + row_distance * &ray_dir_0; for x in 0..self.width { let cell = floor.as_usize(); floor += &floor_step; match { Some(MapCell::Empty { ceiling_texture, floor_texture, fog: _, fog_color: _ }) | Some(MapCell::ThinWall { texture: _, orientation: _, offset_into_cell: _, ceiling_texture, floor_texture }) => { let texture_coords = Vec2 { // this is also the ceiling size, but we only check the floor size x: ((floor_texture.width as f64 * (floor.x - cell.x as f64)) as usize & (floor_texture.width - 1)) as i32, y: ((floor_texture.height as f64 * (floor.y - cell.y as f64)) as usize & (floor_texture.height - 1)) as i32, }; let mut color = if is_floor { ([(floor_texture.width as i32 * texture_coords.y + texture_coords.x) as usize] >> 1) & 8355711 } else { ([(ceiling_texture.width as i32 * texture_coords.y + texture_coords.x) as usize] >> 1) & 8355711 }; if let Some(MapCell::Empty { ceiling_texture: _, floor_texture: _, fog, fog_color }) = { let fog_prop = ((&floor - &camera.position).length() * fog).min(1.0); if fog_prop > 0.0 { let mut color_bytes = color.to_le_bytes(); let fog_bytes = fog_color.to_le_bytes(); color_bytes[0] = (fog_bytes[0] as f64 * fog_prop + color_bytes[0] as f64 * (1.0 - fog_prop)) as u8; color_bytes[1] = (fog_bytes[1] as f64 * fog_prop + color_bytes[1] as f64 * (1.0 - fog_prop)) as u8; color_bytes[2] = (fog_bytes[2] as f64 * fog_prop + color_bytes[2] as f64 * (1.0 - fog_prop)) as u8; color = u32::from_le_bytes(color_bytes); } } self.pixels[y * self.width + x] = color; }, Some(MapCell::Wall { texture: _ }) => {}, None => {}, } } } } }