path: root/src
diff options
authorlamp2023-03-05 21:35:47 +0000
committerlamp2023-03-05 21:35:47 +0000
commit96efb19dfe380f8fe065a1b4d897bcacfbfe9939 (patch)
treeb8babc2f8fcff2765dbc1952192fa007605644c8 /src
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efca85e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+use std::fs;
+use minifb::{Key, KeyRepeat, Window, WindowOptions};
+use rand::random;
+fn hue_to_rgb(p: f64, q: f64, t:f64) -> f64 {
+ let mut t = t;
+ if t < 0.0 { t += 1.0 }
+ if t > 1.0 { t -= 1.0 }
+ if t < 1.0/6.0 {
+ p + (q - p) * 6.0 * t
+ } else if t < 1.0/2.0 {
+ q
+ } else if t < 2.0/3.0 {
+ p + (q - p) * (2.0/3.0 - t) * 6.0
+ } else {
+ p
+ }
+fn hsl_to_rgb(h: f64, s: f64, l: f64) -> (f64, f64, f64) {
+ if s == 0.0 {
+ (l, l, l)
+ } else {
+ let q = if l < 0.5 {
+ l * (1.0 + s)
+ } else {
+ l + s - l * s
+ };
+ let p = 2.0 * l - q;
+ (hue_to_rgb(p, q, h + 1.0/3.0), hue_to_rgb(p, q, h), hue_to_rgb(p, q, h - 1.0/3.0))
+ }
+fn f64_color_to_u8(rgb: (f64, f64, f64)) -> (u8, u8, u8) {
+ let (r, g, b) = rgb;
+ ((r * 255.0) as u8, (g * 255.0) as u8, (b * 255.0) as u8)
+fn export_as_ppm(framebuffer: &Vec<u32>, width: usize, height: usize, file_name: &str) {
+ let mut to_write = format!("P3\n{} {}\n255\n", width, height);
+ for pixel in framebuffer {
+ let color = pixel.to_le_bytes();
+ to_write.push_str(&format!("{} {} {}\n", color[2], color[1], color[0]));
+ }
+ fs::write(file_name, to_write).expect(&format!("Failed to write: {}", file_name));
+fn main() {
+ const SCREEN_WIDTH: usize = 128;
+ const SCREEN_HEIGHT: usize = 128;
+ const PALETTE_SIZE: usize = 256;
+ let mut fire_buf: Vec<usize> = vec![0; SCREEN_HEIGHT * SCREEN_WIDTH];
+ let mut frame_buf: Vec<u32> = vec![0; SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT];
+ let mut palette: Vec<u32> = vec![0; PALETTE_SIZE];
+ let mut window = Window::new("Classic Fire Effect", SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, WindowOptions::default()).unwrap();
+ let mut current_hue = 3.0;
+ for entry_index in 0..palette.len() {
+ let (r, g, b) = f64_color_to_u8(hsl_to_rgb(entry_index as f64 /(current_hue * palette.len() as f64), 1.0, ((entry_index as f64 * 2.0) / palette.len() as f64).min(1.0)));
+ palette[entry_index] = u32::from_le_bytes([b, g, r, 0x00]);
+ }
+ while window.is_open() {
+ for x in 0..SCREEN_WIDTH {
+ fire_buf[(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1) * SCREEN_WIDTH + x] = (32768 + random::<usize>()) % 256;
+ }
+ for y in 0..(SCREEN_HEIGHT) {
+ for x in 0..SCREEN_WIDTH {
+ fire_buf[y * SCREEN_WIDTH + x] =
+ ((fire_buf[((y + 1) % SCREEN_HEIGHT) * SCREEN_WIDTH + ((x - 1 + SCREEN_WIDTH) % SCREEN_WIDTH)]
+ + fire_buf[((y + 1) % SCREEN_HEIGHT) * SCREEN_WIDTH + (x % SCREEN_WIDTH)]
+ + fire_buf[((y + 1) % SCREEN_HEIGHT) * SCREEN_WIDTH + ((x + 1) % SCREEN_WIDTH)]
+ + fire_buf[((y + 2) % SCREEN_HEIGHT) * SCREEN_WIDTH + (x % SCREEN_WIDTH)])
+ * 32) / 129;
+ }
+ for index in 0..frame_buf.len() {
+ frame_buf[index] = palette[fire_buf[index]];
+ }
+ if window.is_key_down(Key::F12) {
+ export_as_ppm(&frame_buf, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "shot.ppm");
+ }
+ if window.is_key_pressed(Key::F11, KeyRepeat::Yes) {
+ current_hue += 0.05;
+ println!("{}", current_hue);
+ for entry_index in 0..palette.len() {
+ let (r, g, b) = f64_color_to_u8(hsl_to_rgb(entry_index as f64 /(current_hue * palette.len() as f64), 1.0, ((entry_index as f64 * 2.0) / palette.len() as f64).min(1.0)));
+ palette[entry_index] = u32::from_le_bytes([b, g, r, 0x00]);
+ }
+ }
+ if window.is_key_pressed(Key::F10, KeyRepeat::Yes) {
+ current_hue -= 0.05;
+ println!("{}", current_hue);
+ for entry_index in 0..palette.len() {
+ let (r, g, b) = f64_color_to_u8(hsl_to_rgb(entry_index as f64 /(current_hue * palette.len() as f64), 1.0, ((entry_index as f64 * 2.0) / palette.len() as f64).min(1.0)));
+ palette[entry_index] = u32::from_le_bytes([b, g, r, 0x00]);
+ }
+ }
+ window.update_with_buffer(&frame_buf, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT).unwrap();
+ }
+ }